

This year seems to have had lots of growing already, mentally and physically for the children.
Mentally for me.
The space between now and Elsie starting pre school is closing fast,
which means the space between now and Oliver starting school is closing too.

I'm feeling super positive about it all. It will be good for Elsie.
Oliver needs stimulating more than pre school can offer him, he needs school.
He loves to learn, he loves to be good at things.
I need it. I need that time to chill out, have a 'break'. I can work midweek.
It will benefit us all and this is the beginning of the a new adventure.
I'm excited!!

Whilst a lot of decision making is being done, we're still lapping up the now.
Enjoying as much as we can inbetween melt downs over getting dressed and not being able to play a puzzle 5 minutes before we leave to go to school.
I'll miss these days in 20 years, i know it!!

I'm linking up with Photo Friday over at Thursday's Child, Friday's Thoughts today.

Go check it out and link up your family photos of the week!!

I'm hosting next week too..
Family Photo Friday @ Thursday's Child, Friday's Thoughts


  1. Big changes on the horizon! Exciting stuff. Thanks for linking up and hosting next week :) #familyphotofriday

  2. Time goes so quickly once you've had a child! Especially the moments you want to treasuer it seems. Lovely photos #familyphotofriday

  3. Beautiful photo, and so many exciting upcoming changes, too x


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